What Happens After Cocaine Rehab

Cocaine Rehab

Life after rehab does not come easy. The challenges can be so tempting that you may not help but return to substance use. This is more likely when you miss out on aftercare programs that are necessary for sustaining your recovery.

Statistical findings show that 24% of cocaine users suffer a relapse within a year after rehab, and 18% would need to go back into treatment because of this. This data concretely calls for every individual to deepen their commitment to the ultimate goal of rehab, which is a lifetime recovery.

The first six months after rehab is a crucial period in pursuing this goal. It is important to always stay cautious and never put your guard off when it comes to the possibility of relapse. Always stay connected with people who can provide you with genuine support in this challenging endeavor. This includes your therapist and your support group, as well as your families and friends.

How Does Relapse Happen?

After Cocaine RehabRelapse happens progressively in three different stages. It is important to be aware of how these stages manifest so that you can take the time to assess yourself and do what must be done to prevent it from coming through.

Relapse after rehab can happen at any time to anyone. And it does not mean that your previous treatment was ineffective. It only indicates that a new kind of approach must be done to prevent it from recurring.

It is important to understand that addiction is a lifelong process and completing rehab does not guarantee lifetime sobriety. It pays to know the following stages of relapse to protect yourself:

The Emotional Stage

Even if you attend group therapy sessions, if you fail to open up your inner struggles to the group, you will still encounter chaos within yourself that can trigger a relapse. This is called the emotional stage.

The emotional stage is the moment when you feel negative emotions and struggle to manage them. When you allow this to persist for some time without seeking help, it will lead you to the next stage.

The Mental Stage

The mental stage is when your mind will be filled with thoughts about the drug. As you entertain these thoughts more constantly, you may develop cravings for the drug. If you remain in denial about these instances, your cravings can be so intense that this will lead you to the next stage.

The Physical Stage

This is now the actual moment of finding access to the drug until you get one and start using it again. A little dose does not do you any help. Some people may think that a weekly dose will not harm but that is not true at all. If you still do not seek help, you will eventually suffer from relapse, which requires another round of treatment.

Why Do People Relapse On Cocaine?

Cocaine RehabRelapse happens mostly because of stress. Individuals who suffer from severe cocaine addiction and those who had their treatment only for a short period are highly prone to experience relapse. If you think you are about to fall into this pit, you should seek professional help right away.

Many signs can tell you that relapse is about to happen. Experiencing intense cravings is one of the most concrete signs that can be challenging. You can be extremely vulnerable from giving in to this if you lack a self-care routine and a strong support system.

Sustaining recovery must not be an all-alone journey. You need the help of a few people to help you on this path. Your support group is a great venue to establish a fellowship since you all have common experiences of substance addiction, treatment, and journey to recovery. Take the time to learn from each other’s company and always be open to help.

Keeping physical exercise and meditation as part of your daily habits are also great means to fight off cravings. Exercise, both physical and mental, aids in naturally boosting brain function and keeps your mind off from being occupied by thoughts on drug use.

Also, a healthy diet would nourish your body with enough strength to help you get through any occasions of stress. Stress would always be part of life, and it takes proper self-management to overcome it. If you disregard self-care after rehab, you will most likely fall for relapse.

What To Do When Relapse Occurs

Cocaine RehabTalk to your healthcare provider and reconstruct a new treatment plan immediately. The earlier you do this, the lighter your treatment will become for you. Remember that you have overcome this before, and you will make it through this time as well.

Relapse can be frustrating but it does not mean you will be incapable of getting past your addiction your whole life. You can think about reevaluating yourself and see which aspect you need to strengthen to prevent yourself from experiencing a relapse again.

Treatment after relapse makes you restart by detoxing and then engaging in therapies again. You most likely know how the process works this time so this phase may not be as intense as your first time. Continue to be optimistic and proactive to lead to a better outcome this time.

How To Prevent Relapse

Apart from self-care and support groups, you need to be determined to keep yourself away from an environment that triggers your addiction. It may be necessary to cut off your relationship with certain people so that you can sustain your sober life, and also stay away from places and things that remind you of substance use.

Mindfulness is a strong key to preventing relapse. By always being aware of your inner self, you will experience a more peaceful disposition, something that will let you appreciate your life better now than back when you were still intoxicated with substance use.

Most importantly, seeking help is a great way to prevent relapse. When you sense that your actions are leading you there, do not ever hesitate to call for help.

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