How Long Is Benzodiazepine Rehab?

Benzodiazepine Rehab

Not all are willing to enroll in rehab, and they have different reasons for that. But the safest way for you to recover from Benzodiazepine addiction is through rehab.

It can be an intimidating experience, yet the overall benefits of recovery are worthwhile. Also, people are hesitant to go into treatment since they think it will be long and boring. There’s no fixed period as to how long one will be staying inside the facility, yet for sure, it will be based on the doctor’s assessment of your condition.

Today, we’re going to discuss how long a patient will have to stay in treatment and the factors that can affect it.

What’s the Average Time of Treatment in Rehab?

There are different timeframes for treating Benzodiazepine addiction, and that greatly depends on your addiction level. If you have been abusing this drug for quite some time, it could be that your rehab program will last for around 90 days. But this can be shortened if you show significant improvements along the way.

Below are the general lengths of treatment for addiction:

30-Day Program

This is the basic program given to patients and becomes the benchmark if the patient is good to come out of the facility, or if they need to stay a little longer.

Most patients initially commit to this program, and it determines if they need to stay longer or not. For some, it could be that you can stay in inpatient rehab for two weeks, and then 30 days for outpatient. This depends on your condition and the assessment of your doctor.

60-Day Program

An additional 30 days of treatment is beneficial, especially if you still experience painful withdrawals, or if you have a co-occurring disorder. You can also make use of these extra days to better understand yourself. Going through counseling and behavioral therapies is a great help to train yourself in positively handling triggers and negative thoughts.

During your 60-day program, you can learn many things. It’s an opportunity for you to build a stronger support system for your recovery. You will learn more techniques for handling your emotions and thoughts to avoid relapse.

You will also develop new habits that are geared towards sobriety. Keeping yourself busy with new things is exciting and fun. It positively distracts you for you to avoid thinking about craving the drug.

If you have a problem with how to pay for your treatment, worry not as you can find many subsidies, grants, and installment payments from rehab centers.

90-Day Program

Staying for three months in the facility might sound intimidating and boring. But that’s not the case since you will be busy learning new skills on how to deal with your addiction. You will have more time in building a more powerful support system for your recovery.

Because you have a longer time, you will be able to adjust your emotions, thinking, and social skills in preparation for the outside world. This is an opportunity for you to hone your skills and coping mechanisms to avoid relapse.

After completing your rehab, you might be endorsed to be in a sober living house. This is a safe, homey, and controlled residential place for patients to have a smooth transition from rehab to normal life. It provides an avenue for you to connect with the community and prove that you have changed for the better.

Benzodiazepine Rehab

Timeline of Rehab Process

A better way for you to understand the timeframe of a rehab program is to know what’s happening there. Let’s go over them and see the average time it takes to complete each step.

  1. Evaluating the patient to see the level of care needed for him. This takes around a day or two inside the facility. In this phase, you will know if you have any co-occurring mental problem that needs a separate treatment program.
  2. Next will be detoxification, which usually takes around three to seven days. But the withdrawal symptoms can last for two to four weeks, yet it will not be as life-threatening as the first few hours since your last dose of benzodiazepine.
  3. A mixture of therapy, medication, and group or individual counseling. This varies per patient where the average duration is around 30 days. They will give you a schedule to follow for the entire days of your rehab program. It’s a combined activity of medication, therapy, exercise, games, and group counseling.
  4. The last step will be evaluation, and this determines if you need to stay longer or not inside the rehab center.

Will it be Worthwhile to Enroll in Benzodiazepine Rehab?

Many patients find rehab intimidating, yet the benefit of recovery outweighs that and other negative notions about rehab.

If you worry about finances and how to pay for your rehab, worry not since you can find many state-funded rehab centers near you. You can also try applying for grants and funding from the state for rehab programs. Exhaust all these options, and you will not have a reason not to get treated for your benzodiazepine addiction.

Once you recover from addiction, you will need to prove your well-being. This is where you need to plan for your after-rehab care. If you still need continued care, you can arrange for outpatient care so that you have access to counseling and therapy that will keep you sober.

Benzodiazepine Rehab

Free Yourself from Addiction

Benzodiazepine addiction is rampant and when you don’t get treated, this can lead to other health issues or even death. You can free yourself from this bondage by enrolling in rehab. Upon enrollment, you will be evaluated for them to determine what level of care you need to recover from addiction.

We hope we have helped you understand the timeline and timeframe of rehab. If you have further questions about it, you can contact us anytime.

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