What Does Morphine High Feel Like?


Statistics show that drugs are one of the causes of more than half of the drug deaths that occur by accident in the United States. From 2004 to 2008, the number of people who were admitted to the emergency room due to morphine addiction increased to 106%.

These numbers prove that abuse of this substance is an alarming issue that must be addressed with serious solutions. Even with the evident danger that comes with it, people still resort to excessively using this substance. Ten percent of the population in the United States has experienced abuse of an opiate drug in their lifetime.

When you’re high with this opioid, the most common feeling is euphoria, or you feel intense joy. Other users say that they feel safe, warm, and protected when they are high with this drug.

Here are additional symptoms you can feel when you’re at the peak with this drug:

  • MorphineEnlarged pupils
  • Mumbling
  • Inability to focus
  • Depressed breathing
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Head jerking

What Does Morphine Do?

It is a medicine given to patients who suffer from moderate to severe pain and even chronic pain. It is also given as a pain reliever after major surgery and treatment for any pain related to cancer. A person who experiences shortness of breath while struggling for life is also given morphine. You can tell how medically valuable the drug is to a person in pain.

However, the power of this drug to relieve a person from pain comes with a dreamlike state of relief. The strong sense of euphoria it is capable of producing is the reason why it is commonly prone to abuse.

How Does Morphine Get You High?

Morphine AddictionThe usual manner of abusing this opioid is through IV drip or injection in the veins. This substance is dissolved in the blood and then affects certain receptors in your brain.

It affects your m1-receptors which drive analgesia, making you feel numb and high. It also impacts your m2-receptors letting you feel drowsy and your thinking is distorted.

It also affects your k- and d-receptors, which causes depressed breathing and hallucinations. All these effects happen simultaneously when you’re at the peak, and then you suddenly crash down as it wears off.

Where does morphine come from?

This drug is an opiate, a part of the opium family. It is drawn out from the opium poppy plant or concentrated poppy straw and contains similar chemical makeup as heroin. It is popular for the following street names: M, Miss Emma, monkey, roxanol, and white stuff.

In terms of etymology, its named after the Greek god of dreams, Morpheus, which brings its user to a dreamlike state of euphoria. Since it brings a highly pleasurable feeling to anyone using it and is extremely accessible, some people can’t help but use it excessively.

You can take this substance as a tablet, syrup, or injection has added abuse-deterrent coding. This means that it is chemically arranged to prevent it from crushing and dissolving so that users won’t be able to snort it or inject it to themselves on their own.

How fast does Morphine kick in?

It will only take half an hour for a person to feel the effect of this opiate in the body. It usually reaches its peak in the bloodstream in 60 minutes. This is the case when you take it as a tablet. However, when using an injectable, it takes effect in the body in less than 3 minutes only.

This substance can be given to a person in two ways. One, instant-release morphine which can last up to 4 hours among adults. Two, extended-release morphine which lasts up to a maximum of 12 hours. This type contains a special technology that releases a gradual amount of medicine to a person’s body.

What are the Effects of Taking Morphine?

Apart from feelings of pain relief, relaxation, calmness, and euphoria, anyone under the prescription of this opiate tends to experience the following symptoms:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Reduced anxiety
  • False or unusual sense of well-being

These symptoms are normal. However, when a person misuses this drug by taking it without prescription, repeating doses before the proper time, taking it in the absence of pain, or exceeding the dose recommended, this person is most likely to develop a severe level of effects. These are some signs of euphoria:

  • An extreme level of joy that is oftentimes associated with feelings of safety and warmth
  • Sudden relief from depression and anxiety

These are really good feelings that come temporarily. The discomfort kicks in when upon withdrawal, the euphoria shifts to extreme tiredness, and the possibility of developing an opioid use disorder becomes high.

What are the risks of Morphine addiction?

This substance is legally acknowledged for medical use. It is valid to take this opiate only when it is prescribed by your physician. Possession of it without prescription is considered a criminal offense. The degree of which depends on the amount you carry as well as your location.

Drug deaths in the United States commonly involve opioid overdose. The following are symptoms to watch out for to determine that a person is in danger of overdose:

Mental Symptoms

This painkiller has the ability to disrupt your speaking skills, focus, and you feel intensely sleepy. You will also have a slower response rate due to this drug.

Physical Symptoms

Abusing this substance can cause multiple physical side effects like fever, back pain, muscle soreness, depressed breathing, and increased blood pressure. Besides that, you will feel that your face, legs, and feet are swelling.

Abuse of this substance could lead to worst cases such as unconsciousness, coma, or slowed breathing that can lead to death. Seek medical help immediately once you observe these symptoms.

What happens upon Morphine Withdrawal?

This opiate tends to make the body tolerant to the drug, that’s why a person could start from a small dose to more. It could lead to physical dependence on the drug.

The number of doses a person takes greatly affects the person’s withdrawal treatment. An excessive use develops severe withdrawal symptoms which could make the treatment long.

The following are the common withdrawal symptoms morphine brings to its users:

  • MorphineRunny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Muscle aches
  • Diarrhea
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Disorientation
  • Insomnia
  • Body aches and pain
  • Excessive sweating

Withdrawal symptoms could be extremely uncomfortable. That’s why when a person goes through an opioid withdrawal treatment, a combination of medical help and moral support is valuable.

If you know anyone who is suffering from morphine addiction, you can go look for addiction rehabilitation programs on the internet and get the help you need.

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